Basic lockheed CM88B bison transporter frame
modified and fitted with a yutani T7A NLS stellar drive
the original saturnJ3000 engines have been replaced by
2 rolls royce N66 cyclone thrust tunnels with Bi-polar
vectoring for mid linelift function.
Each power plantdeveloping 7,230,000 tons thrust
( 14,500,000,000 pounds) giving a high impulse total of
14,460,000 tons.
The 'SURFACE SUIT' as worn in ALIEN-
The suit was designed by Jean (Moebius) Giraud who worked
on the film only for a few days, his design can be seen
in the final production.
Michael Seymour: "I responded to Moebius's drawings with the
thought that they looked liked medieval japanese armor.
John Molo took that idea and developed it in an incredible
way. I mean, they're space suits, but they're also very
Gothic, with very rich surface texture."
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